Page 22

  Kelly agreed. “Yes, Sophie, I will tell you everything.”

  Studying Kelly’s face, Sophie smiled. “I have to say, I like the way you talk, and in court make sure you keep it up. The slang is not cool, not in front of the jury.”

  “Yes, Sophie, I know, it’s just easier in here. Somehow, it’s my mask. It gives me an edge. It may be abnormal because I don’t really know which way I feel more comfortable. Anyway, it’s court talk from now on.”

  “So, let’s start from the beginning, as far back as you can remember.”

  Kelly put her hand up, as if she were in school. “I know who killed my mum. It was Eddie Raven.”

  Sophie didn’t come across as shocked as Kelly thought she would; the lawyer merely studied her notes. “Yes, Kelly, I am sure he probably did. But, hey, listen, we can’t win this case by throwing that in. We can only get you off by proving it wasn’t you. That’s how it works. The courts either decide the accused is innocent or guilty, that’s all. Eddie is not on trial, so we are preparing the case that shows you could not have killed your mother because you weren’t there.”

  Kelly grabbed the table and leaned forward. “You don’t sound surprised, Sophie. Why?”

  “Because, my sweetheart, I agree with you, and now we are on the subject, please, Kelly, stay away from him. I know he is your father and he can visit but—”

  Holding her hand up again, Kelly stopped her. “No worries, Sophie, I have met him, and I have no intention of meeting him again.”

  Sophie twirled her pen around her fingers. Kelly watched and admired once more her perfectly manicured nails.

  “I have moved out of Toni’s cell. I don’t know for sure, but I think she and Eddie are up to something. As you know, Patrick was her husband, but she never mentioned him. Also, she never asked for the details, and my father didn’t either. It was weird. He didn’t talk about the murders, the trial date, nothing like that.”

  Sophie nodded. “Yes, Kelly, just stay away from them and concentrate on getting out of here. Understood?”

  “I will do whatever it takes, Sophie.”

  “Good girl. Right, you need an alibi. Where were you on Monday 3rd October, the day your mother was murdered?”

  Kelly looked aghast. “I can’t say. I don’t want them involved. They were so good to me.”

  Sophie slammed the pen down. “Kelly, you must not be so naïve about this. The police found you at an address. You don’t think they just carted you away and that was that, do you? Let me explain to you: this is a double murder. They will leave no stone unturned—”

  Kelly decided quickly and jumped in. “His name is Rudy, and he took me in. I was walking the streets and it was cold. He couldn’t read or write. It was a deal we had. I could stay there if I taught him. I was with him and Ditto, all day, going over some accounts. It was Rudy’s birthday, so we were up until quite late, celebrating. The next night, we all saw it on the news.” Kelly’s account was obviously off the top of her head but it was extraordinarily well detailed.

  Sophie was scribbling away. “Great, I will go over there tonight and take a statement. I bet the police already have, but I need him and Ditto – that’s an odd name – on the stand, as they are your alibi.”

  As the interview continued, Sophie felt more confident about the case. The charges against her client for killing Patrick would be difficult to refute, but she would do her damndest to secure only a conviction of manslaughter, and hopefully Kelly would get off with a five stretch.

  It was time to wrap up the interview. “Kelly, when you are up in the witness stand, I want you to be a typical eighteen-year-old because now, looking at you, all I see is a highly articulate woman. In the eyes of the jury, you could be perceived as a very culpable murderer. No offence, of course.”

  Kelly sighed. “It’s hard, you see. My mother kept me a child, but every day in my head, I fought against it. It was as if I was imprisoned in a body unable to set my mind free. It’s difficult to explain, but in my mind, I was living another life. Then, when I ran away, and moved in with Rudy, I was free, free to be a woman. I learned how to adapt to my surroundings. Even in here, I am learning that it’s no holds barred. I will try to be that innocent child, when I’m in court. Christ, I should go into acting.”

  Sophie smiled, leaned forward, and stroked Kelly’s arm. “You will be fine, Kelly. We will get through this together. Oh, by the way, were the clothes okay?”

  Kelly’s eyes lit up. “Oh, it was you, and yes, yes they are perfect. Thank you so much.”

  “Oh, don’t thank me. I didn’t get them,” she winked, putting her finger over her lip.

  It must have been Peter. The thought had Kelly’s heart racing with excitement.

  Kelly returned to her cell with a lot on her mind. She had to fight for freedom; she had too much on the outside to look forward to. To her surprise, there on her cabinet was the mail. Carefully, she removed the letters and cards. Her heart melted. They were from Rudy, Lippy, the boys, and her dear aunt Betty. Each one had sent their own special message. Yet, they all ended with the same words, ‘I miss you, love you, and here for you’.

  The tears trickled down her face, as she reread them all, slowly imagining their faces, as they’d put pen to paper.


  Betty was sitting in her favourite armchair near the window, looking through the TV magazine and planning her programmes. She could do little else until she had the back operation that would hopefully give her some of the quality of life she had been missing these past few years. The stress and tension had not made life any easier and most days she was confined to the chair. The back door was permanently unlocked, as getting to her feet was a feat in itself. Luckily, the neighbours would call in and do a bit of shopping. Her son was working away but helped as much as he could, when he was around, that was. Deep in contemplation, she didn’t hear the footsteps from the side of the house or the opening of the back door.

  And then there he was, unashamedly standing in her lounge. Betty looked for the expression on his face and yet was surprised to see him smile. Just as he was years ago, he was still a very handsome man, marred only by a few grey wisps peppering the sides of his hair. There were also a couple of wrinkles around the corners of his eyes, but other than that, his body still looked fit and lean. He didn’t have to speak; he oozed charm. He sat on the sofa, and leaned forward with his hands clasped together. “So, how ya been, Bets? Ya look good, girl.” His distinctive voice was still there, although to those who knew him well that tone alone emanated fear.

  Betty removed her glasses. A few years ago, she would have been shitting herself, but not now. She was in a world overtaken by grief: her son was dead, her sister had been murdered, and now her niece was in prison. She had begged the police to let her know if they ever found Kelly, and luckily for her a young WPC gave her news that she was on remand at Downview.

  She glared at him. “What ya doing, Eddie? We have nothing to talk about.”

  “Come on, Bets. Me and you—”

  “There was no me and you, Eddie. Ya fucking concocted that little notion. Ya really think ya something special!”

  Eddie shook his head sarcastically, laughing. “Ya didn’t say that back then.”

  “We both know what happened. One sister just weren’t enough for ya, was she? I didn’t like you, Eddie. I know what ya did. You couldn’t have me, so ya got me trashed and fucking helped yaself.”


  It seemed a very long time ago. She stared at his sly green eyes – they were the same ones that kept watching her all night at the party. Maureen was the looker back then – by, she turned heads. Betty was pretty but didn’t flash herself to all and sundry. But Maureen was the party animal, long before she even knew Eddie. It was her bubbly personality and daring nature which people adored. If Maureen was around, no matter where, then there was a party. In the street, in a disused lock-up garage, or on the beach at Brighton, she would be there, attracted to the
music, the drink, and dancing in all its shapes and forms. Eddie was drawn to her devilish ways and her neatly shaped figure, of course. Inevitably, she fell for him. Betty remembered her sister’s first date. She came home around two in the morning with her dress all crumpled and her hair a right mess. There was not a hint of lipstick. Betty waited up to hear all the gossip, which, of course, Maureen was only too keen to boast about.

  “Cor, Bets, he has his own pad, and a right fucking nice one an’ all. It has its own well-stocked bar, a power shower, and this bed that could sleep ten people. I swear, Bets, I am gonna be walking up the aisle with him. After tonight, he’s gonna be begging for more. He won’t get a better blow job than from me. I gotta tell ya, though, the boy has stamina. Luckily, I have too,” she laughed shamelessly.

  Betty never forgot how her sister won him over. It sickened her at the time but that was Maureen; she had no pride whatsoever. They were married quickly, before she realised he had a wandering eye, and perhaps it had affected Maureen more than Betty had thought. They bought a huge house within a gated estate in Farnborough Park. She loved the finer things and turned that house into a palace, with gold-edged chairs, expensive drapes, and designer sofas. It was over the top, but they had come from nothing, and so she overdid the ornate finishes. Eddie liked his parties, the barbecues, and having the firm over for business meetings, whilst Maureen enjoyed the attention. Her Eddie was a Face and she was his wife. But then the wheels came off: Betty watched from a distance as her fun-loving sister, with the feisty attitude, gradually became quiet, moody, and withdrawn. Then the baby arrived; it was a shock to everyone that Maureen had kept it such a secret. Her excuse was she never knew. Betty found it hard to swallow though; she knew her sister only too well and would have expected Maureen to be out shopping for the best baby gear money could buy. Eddie, showing off his wealth and status, arranged a huge party to celebrate. Betty was married herself by now to a local lad; there was nothing fancy about him, although he was hard-working. Eddie tried to get him on the firm, but he just wasn’t made that way.

  It was Kelly’s first birthday and another party was arranged. Her own son was almost one year old, so she spent more time with Maureen, talking babies. She noticed then that Maureen’s interest in Kelly was diminishing. Betty felt sadness for the girl and offered to look after her so that Maureen could shop or visit the hairdresser. It crossed her mind that Maureen was suffering from postnatal depression, but then she discovered that there was more to it.

  When Eddie was around, he seemed dismissive of Maureen; perhaps it was because she was like a puppy, constantly following him and trying desperately to engage his attention, but it was obvious he’d lost interest and was shagging all and sundry. Then, the night of Kelly’s first birthday, Maureen was in a drunken stupor before all the guests had arrived. Eddie was livid. He grabbed her arms and whispered in her ear. Betty was watching. When Eddie took his wife upstairs, that was the last she saw of her that evening. Dave, Betty’s husband, had an emergency call-out to some school’s boiler which had blown up. He said he wouldn’t be long and would be back to take her home. Once the party was in full swing, Eddie started plying her with more and more wine. The first few glasses, she sipped slowly, and then, as the music played and the guests were dancing, she joined in with vigour. The French windows, which opened up to the vast garden, were lit up with fairy lights, as was a long table covered with sandwiches, an enormous variety of meat platters and cheeses, and several tempting desserts. Finally, Eddie removed his tie and made a toast to his beautiful daughter and switched the lights on to illuminate the swimming pool. That was it; it was the start of a raucous evening, with everyone in high spirits. Cocaine was spread on the table, the champagne flowed, and the guests took to the pool. Some decided to strip off down to the buff.

  Eddie gave Betty a pill. “Here, girl, get that down ya neck.”

  Betty wasn’t one for dabbling in drugs, but she was tipsy, the party was lively, and her little boy was asleep in the cot with Kelly. She washed the tablet down with the wine and joined in the fun. By now, everyone was in the pool, completely stripped off, including Eddie. She didn’t think about her husband or the fact she had taken drugs and was now completely exposed in front of her sister’s husband.

  As she larked around in the pool, one of the guests called out, “Betty, it’s ya ol’ man on the phone. He said you’ll have to stay the night. He’s on another call-out.”

  Betty was laughing and keen to really let her hair down. That’s when she caught Eddie staring at her with a bottle of champagne in one hand and a glass in the other. There was no doubt about it; he did look handsome, with his hair styled slightly longer and his olive skin set against the blue pool. Yet that was all it was; after all, as far as she was concerned, he was her brother-in-law. He poured her another drink and now she felt well and truly inebriated and decided to get out of the pool. But the problem was she couldn’t: she was as pissed as a newt and struggled to climb the steps and then walk into the house. So, at the time, she’d no recollection that Eddie was behind her, holding her up, whilst she, concerned with keeping her balance, forgot she was naked. She remembered him whispering to her that he would help her to the spare room, and she recalled thanking him, as, with one hand on her waist, he guided her up the stairs. The spare room was as big as her lounge. He closed the door behind them and led her over to the bed. It was then, as she lay on her back, she realised she was naked and so was he. Her arms were like dead weights, as she tried to pull the sheets over her, whilst those green eyes of his just stared at her, looking her over. She felt so uncomfortable she asked him to leave but was met with a sneer and a childish giggle. She knew her own strength and right at that point was aware that she was as helpless as a kitten. Whatever was in that pill or drink had left her unable to move. That was when he began touching her breasts. She tried to talk, to scream, but nothing would come out. The room blurred and she felt as if she were floating into another world until reality returned. At this point, he was sucking and biting her nipples; she felt the pain but it was somewhere in the distance. His hands ran up and down the insides of her legs, pushing them further and further apart. Then she started to lose consciousness again until a sharp sensation inside her jolted her awake. He was inserting his finger and licking her. For a second, she felt pleasure but then she felt sick; it was totally wrong, as she’d not intended this at all. She tried to raise her legs to push him away, but he grabbed her ankles, dragged her to the edge of the bed, and pushed her knees up, almost to her face. That was the moment she felt him thrust his tool deep inside as he banged away. Her mind seemed to be in another place, until she found herself back in the present with him towering over her, his face red and his sweat dripping onto her. There was no point now in screaming; he’d already done what he wanted to do, so she gave in, willing him to get this sordid act over and done with as quickly as possible. She closed her eyes and tried to enjoy it but that was impossible; the thrusting back and forth wasn’t loving but hard and fast, like he was beating her. She then felt the pain, the soreness, and realised he must have been banging away for ages. Still she lay there, waiting for him to finish, and finally, as he fell on top of her, the ordeal was over.

  It was shortly afterwards that Betty found herself expecting baby number two, and she prayed it was Dave’s. Little Billy was the image of her Ricky and she comfortably assumed he was her husband’s. The first year was a blessing, as she had the three of them most days. Anyone would have thought Kelly was hers. Then, after one of the hottest summers on record, when the three babies became well weather-beaten, not only did Billy’s skin turn darker, similar toKelly’s, but his eyes were the brightest green, just like hers as well. Dave commented on how much they looked alike and would give Betty a sideways glare. It was then clearly apparent he knew and something she’d suspected for a while. So, it wasn’t long afterwards when Dave did the off with the barmaid from the local. Betty never begged to have him back, as she knew the re
al reason he’d scarpered, and really, she couldn’t blame him. It broke her heart and she hated Eddie even more. When Kelly was a little older than three, there was gossip that Eddie had gone on the run. She never knew all the facts, but she did know her sister had something to do with it. Then, after Eddie was picked up and arrested for the murders of Jack and Mickey, Maureen moved. The huge house was sold to pay off the debts that Maureen had racked up. But as for Eddie’s other assets, she was kept in the dark, unaware of the other houses he owned. His business was his business and not for his wife to know about. She bought a modest house in the same town as Betty and allowed her still to babysit. But things changed; Maureen became hateful and malicious. One afternoon, she arrived to collect Kelly after being at church all day. She didn’t stay long but it was long enough to vent her anger.

  “I know that Billy is Eddie’s son. A proper sly move, Betty, but never mind, you weren’t the only one. He was shagging a kid as well, the fucking paedophile. Anyway, he’s locked up with the rest of the earth’s scumbags. So, Betty, I am assuming you don’t want him to know about Billy, and I don’t want my Kelly to know anything about Eddie. You don’t ever breathe a word, not until she’s sixteen, then … well, she will be old enough to know, and besides, that evil sod will no doubt be on the scene again. So, do we have a shared oath?”

  Betty had to agree, although she felt sick at the thought of her Billy being wrapped around the likes of Eddie Raven.

  The bad goings-on and infidelities must have been what had turned Maureen from a fun-loving girl to a religious hard-faced bitch.

  She stopped reliving the past.


  Eddie looked up and smirked, “Well, it was a long time ago now.”

  “What the fuck do you want, Eddie?” She didn’t care how she spoke to him; those days of fearing him were over.