Page 8

  “Want a coffee?” he asked her, his expression cold.

  “Yeah, if you’re having one.”

  He shot her a glance. “Well, yeah, I am, that’s why I offered you one.”

  The sexy look, the teasing, and the flirting had all gone out of the window. He’d had what he wanted – a shag – nothing more, nothing less. But she felt uneasy.

  “D’ya mind dropping me back, in a bit?”

  He snidely chuckled, as he made a coffee. “No worries.”

  Eddie got dressed. He pulled on a pair of Levi’s, a white T-shirt, and a black blazer, whilst Janice wandered around the house admiring the décor. When he appeared, she smiled warily; he looked even more handsome than before.

  “Where do you need to go, Janice?” He sarcastically drew out her name.

  “Back to the pub. I’ve got another shift.” She felt somewhat insignificant.

  He nodded and drank his coffee; he hadn’t bothered to make her one after all. Grabbing the keys to his Porsche, he walked out of the front door, with Janice following him. Sitting in his car, she looked down at the mottled skin on her legs and tried to move her dress down to hide them. They rode in silence: Eddie had things on his mind.

  He drove into the car park and stepped out. He had just made her feel as though she had done something wrong – it was odd.

  “Oh, are ya coming in, Eddie?”

  With a smug grin, he nodded. “Yeah, why not? I think I fancy a good old malt whisky.”

  There was something strange about the whole situation and it had her on edge. She didn’t know what to say, and so she continued into the pub and out the back. Placing her bag in the kitchen, she headed for the bar. Old Major was still there, along with two other customers, both local men from the builders’ yard.

  Eddie was leaning against the bar in the corner waiting to be served. Janice grabbed a glass, retrieved the expensive bottle of Scotch whisky from under the counter, and poured a double. She winked at him. She had her confidence back. Maybe that was it; she always felt assertive behind the counter. Here, she had some sort of purpose.

  The side door opened and in walked Tommy, Janice’s husband. She glanced at Eddie and then at Tommy. Her hands were shaking, as he walked towards her. Clearly oblivious to her nervous expression, he was just pleased that the sea-fishing trip had gone to plan. He had caught four sea bass and ten codlings. The sea wind had reddened his big round face and his mop of silver curls were wild from the breeze.

  “I think I deserve a pint of Guinness,” he announced proudly. Janice was shaking inside, praying that Eddie wouldn’t let on what they had been up to. The last time Tommy had discovered her indiscretion, he had beaten her really badly. She knew she had deserved it and had begged shamelessly for his forgiveness. That was three years ago, and although she was still bored, she was also piss poor and had no place to go.

  As she turned her back to take a pint glass from the top shelf, she heard Eddie say, “Well, hello, Tommy, long time no see.”

  Horrified now, her mouth went as dry as a cream cracker. How the hell did they know each other? Nervously, she turned and placed the glass under the Guinness tap. Biting her lip and holding her breath, she watched the expression on Tommy’s face. She had never seen him look so panic-stricken.

  “What’s up, Tommy? You look like you have something on ya mind.” Eddie’s tone was cold and his eyes demonic.

  Tommy shook his head. “Nah, mate, just surprised to see ya, is all.”

  With his slightly threatening body language, Eddie stepped forward and whispered in Tommy’s ear, “I think me and you need to ’ave a word outside.”

  Tommy shot a glance at Janice; he turned to leave and was followed by Eddie.

  Once they were outside, Tommy began to shake. Eddie opened his jacket slightly, and there, tucked in his trousers, was a gun. It was just a warning, but it served as a powerful reminder that Eddie had clout.

  “So, Tommy, moved away, then?” leered Eddie.

  Tommy’s eyes darted around, looking to see if anyone was around. Surely, Eddie wouldn’t shoot him in broad daylight in the pub car park? “Look, Eddie, I don’t know what ya want, but I am straight now, mate. I got a job, me own pad, and me missus.”

  Eddie tilted his head and looked at Tommy’s feet. “Yeah, so I see. There is this little matter I need to straighten up. Ya know the one I’m on about, don’t ya, silly boy?” He gently slapped Tommy’s cheek.

  “Ya see, I know how you managed to pay for ya little house down by the seaside.”

  Tommy’s mouth was drier than a granny’s fanny. He twitched his head and tried to swallow.

  “You are lucky, though, Tommy. See, Mickey and Jack, they weren’t so lucky, were they?” taunted Eddie, through gritted teeth.

  Calmly, he put his hands inside his jacket pocket, keeping his eyes on Tommy, who was now as white as his mop of curls. He pulled out his cigarettes and lighter and carefully took a fag from the packet. He lit the end and blew the smoke in Tommy’s face.

  “Ya know ya owe me, big time, don’t ya?”

  Tommy was silent. Eddie stepped forward until he was almost in the other man’s face. “Ya know I ain’t letting this go, don’t ya? So, it’s like this. You will pay me back, and I don’t mean in poxy diamonds. I mean you are gonna say I was with you last night. All fucking night!”

  He stepped back and gave a generous over-the-top smile which only unnerved Tommy even more.

  “Ya see, ya thought I didn’t recognise who pulled up at that job. The three of ya thought that little distraction would be enough to have me fooled. Well, I have to tell ya, I ain’t easily mugged off, see. Ya know what was worse than doing bird over Mickey and that cunt Jack?” He paused and glared. “It was not serving time over all three of ya. No, you got away with it, Tommy, living it up for twelve bloody years, while I was inside, fuming. No, what was worse was I didn’t get to fucking torture you.”

  “Look, mate …” Tommy’s voice, usually loud and insolent, was now meek and pathetic.

  “Shut it, Tommy, and listen. I will forget ya stole from me, I’ll forget that you was in on the diversion with Mickey and Jack, but I was with you last night, got it … or ...”

  Tommy nodded. “No worries, whatever, Eddie. Just tell me where we were and when. No trouble, eh?”

  Eddie grinned and gently slapped Tommy’s face once more.

  “No trouble, as long as you stick to the rules, ’cos, Tommy …” he threw his fag butt on the floor and casually ground his foot over the top of it, “… no matter if I’m inside or not, you will get the same as Mickey and Jack, those two-faced scumbags. Nah, in fact, Tommy, I don’t think I will kill you so quick. Get what I mean?” He shot his head to the side like a mad man and then he winked.

  “Now, then, I was with you all night at your house. I was wearing this same outfit. We watched The Godfather and chewed the fat. Then I left at four in the morning. Right, Tommy?”

  The words formed in Tommy’s mind but he wasn’t really hearing them. The thought of being killed at Eddie’s hands disturbed him more. He nodded, now unable to speak.

  Eddie clicked his key fob and his Porsche lit up. The bleep as the doors unlocked made Tommy jump. He was still standing in the same spot, when Eddie tore away.

  Craning her neck to see into the car park, Janice snapped the pint glass she was wiping by twisting the tea towel too tightly. She saw out of the window the white Porsche drive away and now she waited anxiously for Tommy to return. Did Eddie tell Tommy about their shag?

  Tommy felt the urge to have a shit and wondered if he had already filled his pants from Eddie’s threats.

  After fifteen minutes, Janice couldn’t wait any longer. She threw down the tea towel and marched outside. Tommy was returning from the longest crap ever and bumped into her on the way. He looked sick.

  “You all right, Tom?” She grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face her.

  He shook his head. “Listen to me, Janice, I have to go ho
me. I need to sort a few things out.”

  Janice searched his eyes for an explanation. “What’s going on?”

  Instantly, Tommy snapped out of his gaze and took a deep breath. “Nothing, I’ll catch ya later.”

  She let him go, unsure if he was angry with her or not. Something that Eddie had said had shaken him up. She was surprised, though; her Tommy was a monster of a man, six feet four and chunky. She would have called him a meathead, except for the fact he had a thick mop of hair. She fell for him because he was a big hard man with a serious reputation, and she was his little tarty blonde he loved to parade around with. It suited her: all she wanted in life was to be a villain’s bird, with furs, diamonds, and status.

  When Tommy climbed into his Range Rover, the gratification of a good catch was completely overshadowed by the encounter with Eddie. He drove away and headed to his home, courtesy of Jack and Mickey. As he stopped, pulled onto his drive, and looked up at the dream house, his stomach turned over. Was it all worth it? He thought back to Jack and Mickey. They were merciless men and trusted no one, but they didn’t have Eddie’s cunning.

  Tommy was younger and had dabbled in a number of robberies and served a few years inside for his silly cock-ups. Then, Jack had approached him with an offer he could not refuse. All he had to do was pull up in the side alley of a safe deposit house at bang on 3 a.m. No questions asked. “Pull up and then drive away,” he’d said. Tommy didn’t ask why; he just thought of the money.

  His stomach stirred again, and he leapt from the car, but he didn’t make it inside; in fact, he puked all over the Italian white plant pots. The bright pink japonica was now laden with lumps of carrot. He heaved again, holding onto the wall. A sixth sense alerted him, and he saw the white Porsche creeping along the road. It was Eddie again; he lowered his tinted window and pointed his gun. Tommy felt his bowels move of their own accord. As quickly as it appeared, the gun disappeared and the car shot away.

  With shaking hands, he struggled to unlock the door, but when it eventually opened, he fell forward and landed flat on his face. He lay there for a few seconds, trying to get himself together. Eddie wasn’t joking – he could have shot him in cold blood. He knew where he lived.

  His only hope was to go along with the alibi. Once his front door was shut tight, he made for the small bar in the corner of the lounge and poured a large brandy. He sat heavily on the beige suede Chesterfield and his mind wandered back to Jack and Mickey. He’d had no idea about their plan; he just knew he would be paid a right few quid. If he’d known they were doing over Eddie Raven, or Eddie Cako as they called him, he would never have entertained the idea. No one in their right mind would have fucked with Eddie Cako.

  Jack and Mickey had gone on the missing list. When the police finally found them, they were bloated and almost unrecognisable. Fished out of the Thames, with boulders tied to their feet, the worst of it was the fact that their eyes were missing. Tommy felt the burning brandy meet the vomit and instantly he threw up again; it was like a fizz bomb sweet, exploding out of his nose.

  By the time the landlady arrived, Janice was a bumbling wreck. She looked Janice up and down. “I know you, Jan, and there is something on ya mind, love. I can take over, if you need to get off home.”

  Teary eyed and shaking all over, Janice was worried. Her husband, the big bruiser, was frightened or angry, she wasn’t sure which, but she needed to know what was going on.

  “Thanks, love, I’ll make it up tomorrow.”

  June, the landlady, smiled and watched her hurry out of the door.

  The bus pulled up just along from the bus stop and Janice ran after it, cursing her high heels. She could walk in them but running was another matter. She went over on her ankle but managed to straighten herself to catch the bus before it drove away. Her heart rate was probably going through the roof. She must give up the fags. The journey was less than ten minutes. Across the road was the lane, a quiet country lane, with a few decent-sized houses dotted along, opposite a field. She wasn’t much for country living but did appreciate the views. It was the silence she couldn’t stand though.

  Like Tommy, she struggled to get the key in the lock. But Tommy had locked the door from the inside. Out of breath and sweating buckets, she banged hard.

  Tommy was now six brandies down and still a nervous wreck. He pulled the blind up, and there, much to his relief, stood his missus.

  Unlocking the door, he almost dragged her in.

  “Christ, what’s going on, Tom?”

  She misunderstood his fearful glare for anger.

  “Pack ya bags and leave!” he growled. He wanted his wife away from the house, before Eddie had any mad notion of hurting her.

  “Tommy! Listen to me, please. It wasn’t like that. I love you!” She tried to grab his arm.

  Slowly, Tommy turned away from the window to face her. He cocked his head and frowned. “You what?”

  “I swear to ya, Tommy, it was just the one time. There ain’t nuffin between us.”

  The penny dropped. He shot a look out of the window and then back at his wife. She had shagged Eddie.

  He didn’t clump her this time; rather, he sat back on the sofa and poured the large brandy down the back of his throat.

  “Well, say something, Tommy!” Her tears were falling now. She hated Eddie and the way he had taken her away for a quick screw. She hated herself more though for doing it and confessing her mistake, when, really, she should have kept her mouth shut. Too late, the cat was out of the bag.

  “Get ya gear, slag, and fuck off.” He didn’t scream or shout. She knew then he meant it.

  She guessed the cold, calm tone in his voice wasn’t about her and Eddie; no, this was something far worse.

  “Who is he, Tommy?”

  Tommy looked up and with an empty, almost sorrowful expression, he replied, “My worst nightmare.”

  Janice was confused. “Ah, come on, Tommy, I know you, ya don’t love me that much. It’s hardly like he has torn ya world apart, just ’cos he, err …” she couldn’t bring herself to say the words.

  Tommy laughed, “You, Janice, for once in your fucking life, are right!” He stood up and placed the glass down on the coaster. “You are one serious slut. Ya always ’ave been a dirty bitch, and ya always will be. So, nah, I couldn’t give a flying shit about you and him.”

  Staunch reality slapped her in the face, and she took a step back. Her world was caving in. If she didn’t get out soon, then Tommy would hurt her.

  “I loved you, Tommy, still do, I s’pose.”

  “Janice, I know what you’re all about. A little shag here and grope there, ya love the excitement. But ya fucked the wrong guy this time. This one I ain’t forgiving, so, like I said, get ya gear and do one.”

  He didn’t push or poke her. She guessed he was done with her, and so she left the room, and stupefied, she packed her bags to leave.

  Tommy remained in the lounge. Janice was the least of his worries. He didn’t even turn to see her struggling down the stairs with her Louis Vuitton designer suitcase. No amount of cheap mascara tears would affect him now. He heard her snivelling but remained on the sofa, gulping another stiff drink.

  With shaky fingers, she dialled the cab office. She had blown it now. She couldn’t hang on to his shirt tails and beg him for forgiveness, not this time. Struggling along the drive, she took one last look at the near-on perfect home, albeit in the sticks. The self-pitying tears stopped flowing, as the cab came to an abrupt halt. She made up her mind. If Tommy didn’t want her, then maybe Eddie would. He had money and she had fuck all. Without knowing the exact address, she directed the driver to where she thought Eddie lived.

  His car was in the drive, along with two other expensive-looking motors. She scrambled through her handbag to find a baby wipe and mirror. Looking at her face, she was a right mess. Still trembling, she cleaned away the black stains and applied her red lippy. Paying the driver, she hopped out, and then, after ringing the doorbell, she stepped
back and waited. Janice didn’t have to wait long. The door opened, and there stood Eddie, with a cruel sneer on his face. He leaned on the doorframe and glared, without a word, making her feel uncomfortable. After all, what was she really doing here?

  “Kicked you out then, has he?”

  Janice nodded.

  “Wait there.” He disappeared inside, and then he returned with a few notes. “Look, I don’t usually pay for a fuck, but ’ere ya go, love. Now, hop it!”

  Janice was flabbergasted and furious. She snatched the money and spat, “My Tommy’s gonna kill ya for this, ya flash wanker!”

  In an instant, Eddie grabbed her by her hair and pulled her face to within an inch of his own. “Listen, ya silly little strumpet, words like that may just get ya fucking ol’ man killed. Now take the payment. Ya acted like a brass and I’m paying ya like one. Piss off, and don’t ever come ’ere again. You ain’t invited.”

  “Eddie, ya phone’s ringing, mate!” came a deep gruff voice from somewhere inside the house. Then another voice said something. Janice couldn’t quite hear but it was a woman. As he let go of her hair and tapped her cheek, she saw the tall stunning-looking woman appear at the door. Her legs were long and shiny brown and her silky hair was pulled around on one side of her very sophisticated face. Janice stared for a short while to see the young woman place an arm around Eddie’s shoulders.

  “Come on, Eddie, we have a drink on ice,” she said, as she mockingly grinned at Janice, looking her up and down like she was a bit of shit. Eddie laughed and closed the door.

  Janice felt foolish and unimportant; her life had turned upside down in less than three hours. She only had herself to blame.