Page 18

  Molly was surprised and had no time to think. She had been assigned by the CPS to get a full report. They wanted the girl in court, sentenced, and the whole case wrapped up in short order.

  “Well, you will receive the papers before the trial.”

  Gritting her teeth, she wanted to wipe the smirk off Molly’s face. Of course, she knew who the woman was, even though they had not been introduced by the bolshie officer. This woman had a reputation, for all the wrong reasons. Molly was known as the sly psychiatrist who dug deep to find any small deviation from the norm and have that person classified with some medical term attached to their name. ‘Psychopathic tendencies’ was her favourite one, based on her PhD thesis on the subject. In principle, this was all well and good. But the problem was she had an overzealous approach to her job; it had disastrous consequences for those charged with murder. She would, for example, go to the extreme to have the most normal inmate classed as completely insane. Of course, the Crown Prosecution Service were backing her findings because it was often easier to get an accused certified insane for a double murder than to prove that a completely compos mentis suspect was guilty. In this case, the trial would take forever and attract an enormous amount of media attention. So, to find that the youth had serious mental issues would dampen down the media speculation. Years ago, having suspects on remand for months on end was acceptable. Now, though, those days were gone because the courts were expected to convict or release suspects, especially juveniles, in a matter of weeks.

  “Miss Bedford, may I remind you that what you have done is illegal. You have gained information under false pretences, a little trick of yours, but let me advise you of this. I am going to make a full report to the courts on how you coerced my client into allowing the assessment, how you faked your position, and how, with what should have been the full support of the medical unit here, Miss Raven managed to end up fighting for her life in hospital. You failed to have her on watch, and she ended up being stabbed. So, Miss Bedford, I think it is in your best interests that you hand over the files. Otherwise, I will add to the list of cock-ups the fact that you refused to do what is legally right. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”

  Sophie was hot under the collar and yet pleased with herself. She despised Molly with a passion, knowing full well, over the years, that Molly had used her position to play God. She had been the psychiatrist instrumental in putting Peter’s brother away for longer than was necessary.

  Molly flared her nostrils, making her prissy face look like a spoiled child. “I think you will find I have done everything by the book, but I will see to it you receive the requisite paperwork.” She sat heavily on the chair.

  “Oh, I am not leaving without it, even if I have to go to the number one governor immediately. You can be assured the paperwork will leave with me today.”

  As Molly opened the back door, she sighed and huffed. She was followed by the other confused prison shrink. To their horror, Sophie followed them. Molly was in no position now to shut the door in the lawyer’s face. Almost ripping the drawer out of the stacked metal filing cabinet, Molly flicked through the coloured sleeves and retrieved the brown folder.

  “I will make copies.” Her voice was flat and resigned.

  “No need. I will do it from my office and return the originals. Besides, they are of no use to you, Miss Bedford, since we both know they were taken without consent. If the CPS wish to make their own assessment, then I look forward to hearing from them in the appropriate manner and through the correct procedure.”

  Molly handed the file to Sophie while staring her out, like a schoolgirl, daring her on. Sophie snatched it and marched away with her head held high and a mile-wide grin across her face. She had longed to do that for years.

  As she left the prison, the thought crossed her mind that perhaps the CPS needed to find a plea of insanity to lock up Kelly and close the case. No matter how many visits she attended, she still walked away and sighed with relief that it wasn’t her locked inside. This time the experience had been far worse. Once inside her flat, she poured herself a large glass of wine. She couldn’t get Kelly off her mind. The clock was flashing four o’clock; it was really far too early. Her rule was wine after five at the earliest. The cold liquid went down so smoothly, she gulped back another mouthful. Something about this whole case did not add up. Kelly was not some psychopathic killer. She stared at the file for a few seconds, took another swig of her drink, and turned the page. She wanted to laugh out loud. There, staring her in the face, was the form with the one hundred questions: the form to determine a psychopath. “Jesus!” she said out loud. She turned to the last few pages: the report by the two psychiatrists. It was not completed but the wording pointed to Kelly being a cold-blooded murderer with a personality depicting psychopathic tendencies. Sophie felt her anger rising and tried to calm herself with another glass of Chardonnay. She didn’t want to drink too much – not before she had reread the police reports.

  The sudden rap on the door made her jump. She opened it, expecting some mail, as she had ordered new shoes to add to her ever-increasing collection. It was Peter. “Oh, come in, you can join me for a drink.” She headed back to the lounge. Peter took off his jacket and hung it on the hook just inside the door. He opened the fridge and pulled out the orange juice. “So, how was she?”

  Sophie was sitting back at the table. “You were right. She shouldn’t be in there, the poor girl. Oh, I think she has a thing for you.” She turned her head to watch his response.

  He bowed his head and then turned away to pour the juice.

  “Peter, you don’t …”

  “Sophie! Don’t be absurd, of course I, err … I am her doctor, she is …”

  “Yes, yes, she is nearly eighteen, so fucking what?”

  Peter turned to his friend; his hair looked dishevelled, and his eyes were dull. “Soph, I can’t seem to get her out of my head, I don’t know what it is. One minute I see her as a child that needs my help, then next, I see this woman with big green eyes. Oh, Christ, I need a fucking lobotomy!”

  Sophie got up and walked over to him, “Talking of a lobotomy, that Molly Bedford was in the nick, running an assessment on her. The report almost concluded that Kelly is insane.”

  Peter opened his mouth in shock. “What?”

  “I know, it’s fucking mental, pardon the pun. Anyway, don’t worry, that report cannot be used in court. Kelly was not advised correctly. They did it without her official consent. The bastards have been taking full advantage of her declining a brief. What utter wankers, eh?”

  Peter laughed. He found Sophie’s choice of words amusing at times. “So, what now?”

  Sophie pointed to the police file. “That, there, is my next mission. I am going to spend the weekend going over every word. I will know those statements off by heart. You watch me, Peter. I am damn sure they will not get away with sending that kid down for twenty years, or worse, pack her off to a nuthouse.” She watched his face light up.

  “Soph, do you think I’m a bit perverted for liking an eighteen-year-old? I mean, it’s wrong, and I am not into kids, you know me, but I like her.”

  Sophie laughed out loud. “Peter, I have to be honest. Kelly is not like an eighteen-year-old. The girl is more woman than many women I know. I could fancy her myself, but you know me. I like big butch birds who can throw me around the bedroom.” She winked and chuckled again.


  Kelly lay on the bed and the wing was quiet. She savoured the peace while Toni was at work in the kitchen. That was one of the hardest things to deal with – the constant noise when the inmates finished their jobs. Rudy’s house was noisy at times but it was different; she could go to her room or take Legend for a walk. A tear pricked her eyelid and she sniffed it back. Prison wasn’t a place for tears. Kelly, along with the rest of the inmates, was constantly facing existential threats. And prison magnified these threats to the point where if you showed any weakness, emotion, or vulnerability you were at risk
mentally and physically. How long would it be before she could be herself again, free from the tension of acting hard and fearless? Really, she was frightened: every clang of any metal door being locked, every rattle of the chains, rang like chaotic notes in her head.

  She tried to concentrate on the letter. It would be stamped once the staff had read it. She held the pen poised but where should she start?

  Dear Rudy,

  I am so sorry. I never wanted trouble at your door. Please forgive me.

  Out of respect for you, it’s only right that I tell you what’s happened. I was arrested and charged with murdering Patrick Mahoney and my own mother. It looks like I could get a long sentence but I have got a solicitor. She is really nice too.

  I won’t write again because you have a life to lead and it’s better that you all go on without me. Please may I ask that you look after Legend for me? You know I love that dog.

  I want you to know that you were my family, even if it was only for a short while. I loved you all so much – I still do – and I am so grateful that you let me be a part of you all – a real family.

  Tell Lippy (Mum) that the food in here is okay but I miss her cooking. Say hi for me to Ditto, Reggie, Phoenix and Solly. I love you, guys!

  I love you all and I always will.

  Bluey x

  Hearing a noise outside and the rubber wedge move slightly, she quickly put the letter under the mattress and removed the doorstop. The door flew open, almost knocking Kelly aside. There, in the doorway, was a woman Kelly had never met before. A large woman in her mid-forties with bleached short hair and black roots, a weathered face, and arms covered in odd tattoos, she looked a real scary bitch. Focusing more closely on the tattoos, Kelly saw a huge cross and some random names that had faded to almost a blur over time. The intruder put Kelly in mind of one of those Hells Angels, without the leathers. She wasn’t smiling and her eyes glared with hate. She looked Kelly up and down, and when she grinned, showing her row of cockles instead of teeth, her breath reeked of pickled onions. Kelly froze as the woman stepped forward. “Where’s that slag Toni?”

  “In the kitchen, working.” Kelly stayed composed and kept a neutral tone. She didn’t want the woman to see she was shitting herself.

  “So, you must be family, then?”

  Kelly didn’t like the sound of her creepy voice, so she didn’t answer. She could see the woman was a bit of a nutter; she was gearing herself up for trouble all right. Her jaw was tight and her breathing was fast. The disturbing grin turned to a look of intense anger. Through gritted teeth, she growled, “I’m returning a favour.”

  She knew then that the woman was ready to launch herself on her. Kelly was quick to take a stance and prepare to defend herself. The first punch was fast but Kelly blocked her; the second punch was faster still, yet Kelly was ready and swiftly moved, using her arm to counter the blow. Her wrist felt the force, but as her adrenaline was pumping, she didn’t feel the pain. The third right hook caught Kelly on the cheek, and she wobbled but not enough to break her stance. Hopping back one step, and in a fit of rage, she lifted her leg high and fly-kicked the woman in the chest. Winded, she fell against the doorframe. As her head came down, Kelly kicked again, this time at the woman’s face, splitting her nose. Incensed by the pain, she lunged forward to grab at Kelly, but she was no match for the agile youngster. Kelly was solid on her feet, and as she sidestepped, she pulled back her fist. The blow was like a sledgehammer, cracking the inmate on the side of the face. She fell on the bed and turned to see that Kelly was not even out of breath. The older woman couldn’t lose face, not now. So, with her final attempt, she jumped up and swung an almighty punch. It was useless; Kelly swerved the clump, and with an anger she had never experienced before, she tore into this lunatic with a succession of clean punches, using her as a punching bag. That was until, finally, she saw the blood spew up the wall and the crumpled bloodied mess of the woman’s face.

  Kelly flopped on the opposite bed and caught her breath. She peered down at her bruised knuckles and shuddered. Tears began to flow. The state of her opponent’s battered face was mortifying. Not knowing what to do next, Kelly pulled her knees up under her chin and rocked. Her adversary was out cold, blood oozing from her nose and ears, and her lower lip was hanging on by a thread. She was disgusted with herself. Was this what her life had come to – being merciless, using physical violence to stay alive? This wasn’t what she was really about, but she had had no choice.

  The wing was livening up and the inmates were returning from their allocated jobs. Although her attacker was motionless, Kelly knew she wasn’t dead. She could hear her mumbling.

  Then Toni returned. Kelly heard her voice outside, organising a deal. She was always wheeling and dealing, running one scam or another. As soon as she pushed the door open, she gasped, looking from Kelly to the unconscious form and back again. Hattie was behind her, trying to peer over Toni’s shoulder to get a good look. Kelly was still rocking, holding her knees.

  “Christ!” choked Toni, her eyes wide in amazement.

  Hattie pushed Toni aside, for a closer look. “Christ alive! That’s fucking Lou O’Donnell!”

  Toni grabbed Hattie’s arm. “OK, Hat, don’t state the fucking obvious. Get her out, dump her on the landing, away from here.”

  Hattie looked outside to see where the screws were but the coast was clear. “Help me, Tone,” she uttered, trying to lift the dead weight. “She’s a fucking lump!” Her voice was strained, in trying to pull the woman off the bed. Toni was like a whippet and on the bed in a second to grab Lou’s feet. “Pull, Hat, ya fucking great moose!”

  “I am fucking pulling. Lift her feet up, Tone!”

  Finally, they had Lou dragged away from the cell and out on the landing.

  Toni ran back and grabbed some wet tissues to mop up the small blood smears that had appeared as they pulled her along the floor. Two inmates, Treacle and Patty, rushed over. “Fuck, Tone, that’s Lou O’Donnell,” screeched Treacle, a small druggie, inside for dealing. She was part of Toni’s firm. “Ya fucking done her a right good ’n!”

  Toni was too concerned with the backlash from the screws to think about who had done it or respond to yet another vacuous remark from one of her crew. She nodded and said. “Ya saw nuffin, got it!”

  Treacle and Patty nodded in unison. “No worries. Oh shit, quick, Tone, the SO’s coming up the stairs.” It was time for them all to disperse in different directions. As soon as the senior officer was on the landing, the alarm was raised. Another lockdown resulted.

  Toni rushed back to her cell to find Kelly still in the same position, still rocking herself. She wedged the door shut and whirled around. “Fucking ’ell! What happened?”

  The look Kelly shot in Toni’s direction was one of sheer contempt.

  “What?” frowned Toni.

  The still, creepy silence unnerved Toni. “Kel, my babe, what happened?” She tried to soften her approach.

  Kelly stopped rocking, sat up straight, and lifted her head, showing the bruise on her cheek.

  “Fuck me, Kel, so it was you who did that to Lou.” In her mind, she had assumed that someone else had attacked Lou, not her niece.

  “Yes,” was all she could say, still sickened by the whole ordeal.

  “How the hell did ya learn to fight like that?” Toni was genuinely dumbfounded.

  Lou O’Donnell was Toni’s long-term arch enemy. She had attacked Toni with a bar and broken her arm, scarred her chin, and with a final blow, she had hit her at the back of the head, knocking her unconscious. That was five years ago in Holloway Prison all over an ounce of speed. Toni bided her time and then came face-to-face with Shannon O’Donnell, Lou’s daughter. This twenty-year-old was as much a Face as her mother but no match for Toni. Lou was released on parole when Shannon arrived. It was payback. Toni was in the kitchen and beckoned Shannon in, calling her mother an overgrown, ugly lesbian. Shannon ignored the first few jibes, but then she turned the instant Toni cal
led her an inbred. Shannon had to save face in front of the others, and so she lunged forward to attack Toni, but she wasn’t fast enough. Toni picked up the industrial cooking pot and swung it at Shannon’s head. The thump was loud and the other inmates cringed. Shannon was left with marks on her face that were serious enough to give Lou the message.

  Lou had been livid and vowed that one day she would pay Toni back, and so when she was nicked for robbery, she smiled to herself.

  “I ain’t proud, Toni!” Kelly snapped back.

  Toni sat herself down on her bed and faced Kelly. “Ya should be, girl. Cor, you have right fucked her face up. A chunk an’ all, she is. ’Orrible fat cunt. I hate her.”

  The words were going around in Kelly’s head, irritating her and winding her up, but she tried to keep calm and just ignored her.

  “Cor, fuck ’aving a ruck with you! I knew you had more Raven blood running through your veins than ya fucking mother!”

  “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!” screamed Kelly. “I ain’t proud of it, I hate meself for it, and it’s all your fault.” She got off the bed and towered over Toni. “I have listened to your bullshit long enough. If you think by brainwashing me with how to scam this one, how to do over that one, how lucky I am to be a Raven, that I should follow in your footsteps, you are thoroughly mistaken, Toni. Like I keep telling you, ya don’t know me. I am only family by blood, nothing else. So, shut up trying to pat me on the back for nearly killing your enemy. I didn’t do it for you, I was just protecting meself. Oh, yeah, and she said she was returning a favour. So, Toni, your tough attitude could have got me fucking killed, so it ain’t all about me being a chip off the old block, it’s about me suffering again at the dirty hands of the poxy Raven family!”

  With that, Kelly slumped back on the bed and placed her head in her hands, uninterested in Toni’s response.